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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

3:10 TO YUMA

A classic Russell Crowe, Christian Bale movie pits a small town rancher against a captured outlaw who is awaiting the 3:10 train to Yuma, to be followed by the Territorial Prison and a court date.  The train tracks run parallel to the walls of the Yuma Territorial Prison.

Grounds of prison
Tracks run parallel to the prison
You won't have to wait until 3:10pm to view the remains of this historic prison.  The grounds, including the museum and cell blocks, are open from 9-5 daily. The Yuma Territorial Prison dates back to the 'wild west' days of 1876.  One can only imagine what it must have been like to be one of the 3,069 prisons to be filtered through the prison system.  
Prisoners at Yuma Territorial Prison
Once parked follow the path to the Admission building. A cost of $8 for adults will be collected here. Next you will receive a guide map and brief intro from a staff member.  Then it's a self-guided tour as you work your way around the park area. 
Climb the steps of the Guard Tower for some fantastic views. 

Walk through Sally Port, view the video in the Museum and step inside the Cell Block area.

See a reconstruction of one of the many Guard Towers. It offers a commanding view of the area and is situated atop the prison's original water supply.  

The Sally Port is one of the last remaining original abode structures of the prison and served as the check point through which all prisoners entered and left the prison.
Be sure to catch the informative 8-minute video running continuously in the museum.  Then take in the museum displays, including the digital displays on "Bad Girls of the Old West" and "Mormon Prisoners".  Be sure to have your prisoner photo taken. 

Even if you aren't a history buff you will want to take the 30-minute narrated "Cell Block" tour, originating from the Museum.  Let yourself experience the dark and suffocating feeling of being placed inside the infamous "Dark Cell", used only for the most incorrigible prisoners. 

The area is extremely clean and well maintained and offers terrific views.  Allow at least 2 hours to enjoy the facility.

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